Wool Felt Monsters - Sewing for Fun!


I know. That's not a monster. It's a moose :)

I've been working diligently the past few weeks preparing for the show I'm doing this coming Saturday. Sewing lots of little stuffed plush - bears, sheep, rabbits - even a NEW MOOSE! (I live in Maine, after all.) Lots of animals. Several of the same.

Yesterday afternoon I became tired of brown. Don't get me wrong. I love brown. Really I do! But I wanted to do something fun. I was bored and I needed to play with color. 

So I set aside my moose and proceeded to create a colorful mess. I drew in my sketchbook for a bit and then pulled out all of my felt (well, not ALL of it) and put it in piles on my ironing board. I grouped this with that and cut out lots of pieces. I matched up bodies with bellies, coordinated embroidery floss and set about to sew it all together. Inspired by delight, I sewed well into the night - something I can't usually do because my eyes give out on me.

This morning I was up before five, stuffing the last two little monsters and setting up a photo shoot. Here they are in all of their colorful glory!!!


Now that's the magic of making something :)

Happy day to you,