Long ago . . .

Little Bedspread on Bed

I was going through some childhood treasures in preparation for my blog launch and came across a special item to share. This was one of my first sewing projects under my mother's guidance: a doll-sized bedspread and matching sham, complete with pint-size pillow insert. (circa. 1959)

The first step was to cut a rectangle of fabric - a tiny pink floral design- and sew lace around three sides, forming a "dust ruffle."


The sham was another rectangle of fabric, hemmed on both edges, folded over and trimmed with the same lace. 

Little Pillow Sham

I then made a little pillow to go inside. The pillow was my favorite part!

Little Sham with Pillow

Ready to make the bed with my lovely new ensemble. 

Little Bedspread Ensemble

A perfect fit and made to last. Thanks, mom.

More memories to come . . .